Big Data Government

In 2047 your decisions are no longer your own

Multi-national data companies are now in control of whos in power and have become policy makers defining the rules imposed on all. To understand the impact this world now has keep scrolling.

Exploring this future world won’t take more than a minute of your time. We are not collecting any personal data. If you’d like to continue the discussion please join us at the EY-Glass house (Area 9) on the 17th June at 3-5pm.

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To help us better understand your responses to this future world, please select an option that best describes your sector.

Please choose your sector from the dropdown.


Democracy as you know it no longer exists

You’ve become increasingly more dissociated with politics as the role democracy plays on your life has been heavily influenced by companies that have access to your data.

GDPR has failed to protect the privacy of citizens and 89% of personal data is now owned by 3 giant digital companies.


You’re stripped of any autonomy and choice

The companies you subscribe to are obtaining and using your data without your consent to forge the world around you.

Imagine that you find out that there will be increase of tax on sugary products specifically in your area because your data has been recently sold to a company that manufactures low sugar dietary supplements.

As a citizen, how motivated would you feel to challenge those in power?

Please choose an option,
1 being least likely and 5 being most likely.

In this world...

Algorithm-based politics

The decision making process and deals between government and companies is opaque

Your data is being farmed

Citizens' ploticial interests are interpreted from their data profile.

Democracy takes a back seat

Deminishing role of democracy in day-to-day life.

Expansion into public services

Giant digital companies are expanding into the public sector making them privatised, leading to their inaccessibility and decline.

Future Scenario

Society as you know it now no longer stands

Fractures in society begin to appear as autonomy is removed. Society starts to fall apart, buildings, public transport and services become dilapidated as they move into the hands of big corporations.

You’ve been disenfranchised from the society you once knew and are disconnection from the world you are now in. It not only you personally but has a wide reaching impact on your sector.

What would be your biggest fear as a citizen in this world?